VANCOUVER Latent Image is an independent photography magazine with international reach that just celebrated its 10th issue and 4 years track record.
The editors Allison White and Nicole Langdon-Davies are both based in Vancouver, Canada and curate visual work created by photographers from across the globe, stretching from professional to emerging photographers. They strive to feature evocative images that tell a story.
The editor’s approach is fresh, dynamic and open. Each issue brings a surprise and showcases work that varies in style and theme: ‘We find having themed issues to be too constricting, so we do a “Spotlight Series” which allows us to focus on different themes if we choose, or specific artist and interviews’ state the editors.
Even more, the magazine is available in both a tangible print version and a digital version (available for free). In that way, Latent Image Magazine aims to remain accessible to the wider audience and to continue to promote underrepresented artists.
The magazine has bigger ambitions and in the past year Allison White and Nicole Langdon-Davies focused on exhibition work. Latent Image Magazine first exhibition, ‘Ideas of Breath’ took place in 2016 at the Ayden Gallery in Vancouver, featuring work from over 35 international photographers. Currently, they are holding a pop-up exhibition at the Gam Gallery, ‘Perfect Imperfections’, showcasing 10 analog photographers, alongside a music collective, ADSR. This will be taking place March 24th.
‘Vancouver is a very hard city to find space for small, local exhibits for longer-term shows’ – share the editors. ‘We are pleased to be working with The Gam Gallery and doing pop-up exhibits, which allow us to celebrate the art we think is important, in an accessible fashion to the public. Working alongside local music collectives, also brings in a different audience.’
After the show in March, they will start to work on the next issue. The deadline for submissions will be May 15, 2017. Anyone interested in submitting can write at: