9 Christmas Songs for Indie Music Lovers

Vanessa Heins
Photo by Vanessa Heins | http://vanessaheins.tumblr.com/page/7

CCTown, Xmas 2018

Santa Claus is coming back to town and we also want to spread some Christmas cheer! Last year, we shared some useful instructions – we found on a vintage book – to know “How to Draw Christmas!“. This year, we’ll share some Carols you could sing together with your family and friends (or even just listen to, while having a big mug of hot chocolate, maybe sitting near your favourite window and waiting for snow)!!✨🎶🎄🎶✨

ways to spread christmas cheer - cct

Googling some magic words – “Name of a Singer/Songwriter or Band we love” + “Christmas Song” – we found some little surprises: some rare covers of famous carols and some original songs. And so here below are 9 Christmas Songs for you, sang by (in alphabetical order): Basia Bulat, Ben Howard, Cat Power, Damien Rice, Lisa Hannigan, Smith & BurrowsSufjan Stevens, The National, Tom Rosenthal.✨🎶🎄🎶✨

We wish you’ll sing these Carols LOUD for all to hear! And a Very Merry Little Christmas!!! 💛 Love, CCTeam

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