Matt Weber, il taxista con una macchina fotografica

NEW YORK Dal 1978 al 1990, Matt Weber ha guidato un taxi. Durante questi anni, da tassista con macchina fotografica diventa fotografo con taxi e infine artista a tempo pieno. Adesso non lascia mai l’appartamento senza la sua Leica M6 (camera analogica; sì, significa che scannerizza le foto per pubblicarle nel suo sitoweb) e continua a catturare momenti di vita, di strada.


URBAN ROMANCE | “Upper West Side” 1988


URBAN ROMANCE | “Quiet Zone” 1989


URBAN ROMANCE | “Midnight Kiss” 1989


HOMELESS | “Sleeping Bear” 1990


HOMELESS | “You’ve come a long way, baby” 1990


GRAFFITI | “Crack is Wack! – Keith Haring” 1986


GRAFFITI | “Mott Street” 1989


URBAN WILD LIFE | “Pigeon Play” 1988


TWIN TOWERS | “Hoboken” 1988


“This is the picture of the world trade center which I like the most…”

OBAMA | Obama Ecstasy 2008


“This has become one of my favorite images for obvious reasons…”

HARLEM | “Easter Sunday Harlem” 1988


HARLEM | “Harlem Stoop” 1989


CONEY ISLAND | “Parachute Jump” 1987


SUBWAY | “Low High Five” 2013


SUBWAY | “Subway Gaga” 2011


“Sometimes you’re sitting on the fence. You don’t know if it’s worth it or not. The guy on the right is not a happy camper. Then he raises his hand to his face, and all of a sudden the impulse becomes too strong to ignore. It’s as involuntary as sneezing. He might object or much worse, but now the image looks so good, you no longer care about the consequences and you push the button, while hoping not to push his…”

PORTRAITS | “A Spectacle” 2004



Nel 2004, Sanctuary Books pubblica The Urban Prisoner: la prima raccolta delle fotografie di Matt Webber in un libro. Nel 2013, Dan Wechsler racconta la storia d’amore tra la street photography di Matt Webber e la sua New York City, in un film documentario intitolato More Than The Rainbow.

MORE THAN THE RAINBOW – TRAILER from Dan Wechsler on Vimeo.


(Ex) Taxi Driver & Street Photographer: Matt Weber

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