SEETIES In 2010, Erich Fisher used open data to create these maps. Tourist destinations, cities and places, change every year and it would be interesting to compare this visual research with an updated version. It would also be interesting to use these data and their visualisation to help mass tourism to spread in the territories with the mission on the one hand to make too touristy cities more liveable for citizens and on the other hand to promote places like suburbs, forgotten neighbourhoods or villages suffering from depopulation. “Tourists VS Locals” is becoming an increasingly important issue worldwide and we should learn to use creativity also to try to create possible solutions to this contemporary urban tension that someone call overtourism or tourismphobia. In this article you can browse through the gallery and discover more about “The Geotaggers’ World Atlas Maps – Locals & Tourists” project by data artist Eric Fisher.

ROMA in una guida che è prima di tutto un bellissimo album fotografico! 132 immagini che raccontano 99 luoghi suddivisi in 7 categorie (introdotte da mappe): Architettura + Strade e Vicoli + Street Art + Scalinate e Colonnati + Porte, Portoni e Insegne + Panorami + Pillole. Tutto incorniciato da indirizzi precisi, orari di visita, informazioni essenziali, utili consigli e alcune curiosità. E tutto a cura di Anna Scrigni: una vera esploratrice urbana con la passione per la fotografia ed Instagram! #SomewhereAroundRome #SeeCity

PISTOIA in 2017 was the Italian Capital of Culture and @Igers_Pistoia during the year, through Instagram, has involved citizens and not in the photographic and social storytelling of the city, suggesting a new theme every fifteen days or rather a “photographic challenge”. On over 500 photographs collected, more than 80 have been selected and from tomorrow (27th February) they’ll be on display (until 10th March) in the atrium of the Palazzo Comunale (in Piazza del Duomo, 1). Among these, also some photos shared by the #CCTravellers2017!

PISTOIA All of you who are passionate about photography but also all of you who are passionate about retro style but also all of you who are simply passionate about beautiful things: if you are curious, come with us into this workshop that smells of wood and makes you see the world upside down! #CCTravellers2017